

Du fait d'intrigues plates et ennuyeuses malgré un synopsis aux abords intéressants, le site ferme ses portes après seulement quelques semaines d'existence. Les personnages sont désespérément tristes et leur storyline sans saveur. Les scénaristes se moquent du monde en parlant de "Point Pleasant" comme un mix de "Rosemary's baby" et "The OC". C'est très très loin d'arriver à la cheville du film ou de la série précédemment cités.

Les audiences étant catastrophiques, la série ne sera très certainement pas reconduite pour une nouvelle saison et il est certain qu'elle ne sera pas achetée par une chaîne française ou ce serait une grave erreur.

Il est déplorable de voir que c'est à cause d'un show tellement médiocre que la 2ème saison de "Tru Calling" n'a toujours pas été diffusée par la FOX.


Source : Tv Tome

Point Pleasant – a drama from former Buffy the Vampire Slayer executive producer Marti Noxon and 20th Century Fox Television – the description of the project given as solely having "a supernatural series…[that] will focus on a beachside community that is turned upside down when a mysterious girl washes ashore." The series' protagonist is Christina Nickson, a 17-year-old described as "angelic, mysterious, very bright and very intense." While her wealthy father lives in New York City, she has been shuffled off to boarding school for most of her life, dubbing herself a "Park Avenue Orphan."

During a school cruise, the ship sinks and Christina is rescued off shore of the New Jersey town of Point Pleasant. She befriends her savior, a young lifeguard – with whom she shares an attraction – and ends up staying with the Kramers, a local doctor's family with whom she forms an unusual bond. Her presence begins to have a noticeable effect on the townsfolk, in particular the two women of the Kramer family. However, the police captain and Kramer patriarch, Ben, are more suspicious of Christina, perhaps even a bit threatened by her. She possesses a duality that seems hard to reconcile: She's at once dangerous and saintly.

Indeed, Christina herself has begun to notice the changes within her, and is frightened by them. It seems that sometimes when she gets upset, unfortunate events happen that involve the people who trouble her. She also is determined to find her mother, whom she never knew. As she spends more time in Point Pleasant, Christina begins to uncover more clues about her mother, and at the same time, becomes more aware of her father's intent to keep her from that mission.